Self-Paced LawBase Training: Workflow

This course covers the same content presented in our regular live class. It is broken into small video chunks so you can view just the section you need or watch the whole course as a refresher. Full content on WorkFlow is available in the online admin help.

Intended Audience: Administrative users of LawBase.

Sample WorkFlow handout : Here

Videos supported on: Windows and iPad.

1. What is WorkFlow
A brief intro to WorkFlow.

2. Sample WorkFlow
Demo of a sample WorkFlow.

3. Breaking down the Sample WorkFlow
Demo of a sample WorkFlow.

4. Breaking down the Sample WorkFlow continued
Continuation of walking through the sample WorkFlow.

5. Build the WorkFlow from Scratch
Case Module and Var.

6. More Building the WorkFlow
Adding more attorneys and the Email module.

7. More Building the WorkFlow
Field update and SQL update.

8. The last piece of the Sample Workflow
The note module.

9. Reviewing the Modules
Thinking through alternatives.

10. The buttons in the LawBase WorkFlow Editor
Print, Clipboard, Export, Make Merge, Horizontal perspective.

11. Editing WorkFlows from the LBAdmin Side and WorkFlow Sets
The parts of the screen and intro to sets.

12. More LBAdmin Side and Common Tab WorkFlows
Common tab WorkFlows and System WorkFlows.

13. Merges and Other Types of WorkFlows
A look at merges.

14. Testing
How to test without a test environment, using a case module.

Let us know if you have any feedback. We’d love to hear your comments.
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